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Grey Scratch Hologram

Update Terakhir
14 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1000 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
71 kali
Rp. 300

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Detail Grey Scratch Hologram

Scratch holograms can be used instead of traditional grey latex scratch off panels on telephone top-up cards, Discount Coupons, etc. Whereas the current grey scratch off panel and the equipment needed to apply it are rapidly becoming commodities, production of the ALPHA holographic scratch-off foils requires a great deal of investment in advanced technologies and a level of know-how which is not easily gained. Special film preparation and laminating techniques to layer a holographic visual barrier over pre-paid card ' PIN' numbers, preventing the scratching, PIN theft and re-coating of cards. It scratches off cleanly and easily, and its high opacity means there is no danger of the underlying data being destroyed. The end result maximizes branding opportunities for the client, and provides a highly visual means of differentiation in this highly competitive market.
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